Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Arty Farty

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. 

- Oscar Wilde 

Sometimes all it takes is a piece of creativity to open our minds to the beauty that the world has to offer. Something that distracts us from the routine things we see everyday. Something that can totally change our perspective on life. Something that can make us find ourslves and lose ourselves all at the same time. On the weekend I went to Currumbin's annual Swell Sculpture Festival and Brisbane's Modern Art Gallery (GOMA). I was amazed by the amount of talent in these inspiring pieces. It's so refreshing to be able to look at things that are so simple yet so intricate, that you rattle all your artistic brain cells to work out what it could possibly mean. This is why I love art so much. It allows us to make our own interpretations without being right or wrong. It allows us to express ourselves freely and without any limitations. It lets our spirits breathe.....

Thursday, September 13, 2012


About time!

I've been MIA for well over three months now :( however I'm back and ready to rock and roll! So far I've had the privilege of a week's work experience with my one and only - Madison magazine, met the amazing Lizzie Renkert (more on this to come), cheered on my talented boyfriend who took the stage in Your Shot DJ competition for a weekend, went on a crazy girls weekend in Sydney which involved screaming my lungs out to 360 in concert, purchased a brand new Toyota Yaris and exhausted the speakers and odometer, practised my best Karise Eden style voice (great party trick), ate the world's greatest hash brown, watched some of my bestest friends turn twenty one, and most importantly - I took the plunge and moved out with my boyfriend of five years (yikkeeesssss). I feel refreshed now coming back and I want to share with you the motivation that as brought me back - The Treasure Yourself Project by Lori Jai Harding. Based on the inspiring Miranda Kerr book Treasure Yourself, the nature of the project is truly beautiful. Eight weeks of focusing on YOU and taking charge of your happiness and health. I have decided to start and share this project with you all. I'll be documenting my progress in this challenge and how I reach my goals. Feel welcome to check The Treasure Yourself Project Facebook page and give it a go yourself, it might just be the change you need. Furthermore I'll be giving the blog a bit of a revamp, and stealing my boyfriends iPad as much as I can to bring more daily posts :) 

Oh and did I say I met Lizzie Renkert? Girl crush just a bit!
Until next time...(which I promise will not be three months)
Karla x