Thursday, June 21, 2012

a rhyme for my beloved

Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.
- Unknown.

Hush little darling so innocent and pure
For there is a world out there, you will one day have to endure.
We can only hold you close to our chests for so long
Until the day we let you go, despite it feeling right or wrong.

Hush little darling, a life of wonder is waiting for which you have not yet done
So spread your graceful wings and you will become at one
There are many mountains for you to climb
All in which you will succeed in rightful time.

Hush little darling, people may let you down
But never let them hurt you, scare you, or force you to drown.
Take each day as it comes and don't think ahead
What matters is the actions you take, and words that are said.

Hush little darling, don't ever punish yourself
For there is love all around you, always here for help
Don't ever feel lost or alone
For your precious heart will always find the home.

Hush little darling, your broken heart will cry a couple of times
But one day you will experience the kind of love that will last a lifetime
We pray that their soul will entwine with your own
And we hope their fondness of you, will forever be shown.

Hush little darling don't be afraid
For there are many reasons it is you we made
We have faith in you and your beloved soul
And it is your shining light that makes us feel whole.

Hush little darling you are destined for abundant things
You will aspire and achieve, oh the joy it will bring.

Hush little darling we love you so
Forever and always we will be here, to watch our little girl grow.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

blissful beats

"Music can change the world because it can change people.
- Bono

The Gold Coast is full of wonderful and aspiring musicians, but you've got to have a certain knack to leave a group of people speechless. The Lamplights are more than a band; they are a brotherhood, and they pride themselves on sharing their journey with the community, and connecting with people.  I was blown away when I saw them play at Mandala Organic Arts Cafe on the weekend. In the spare time before their performance they were interacting with everyone, sharing their experiences, and making people feel like they belonged. What struck me the most was when I caught a glimpse of them outside before their performance. They were together arms in arms, huddled under shelter from the pouring rain.  It seemed to me they were sharing a secret ode between them, something that looked powerful beyond measure. Clearly this intensity shared between them resonates to the audience when they are on stage. "Playing an organic blend of folk, funk, roots, and blues", they have a distinctive emotional atmosphere when they play their music. But beyond the beat, its the power of raw words combined with charm which leaves everyone in the room feeling rejuvenated, enlightened, inspired, and moved. You can't fault them. Because its not only what you hear, its the experience. Its how they touch peoples hearts and make them dance in revelry. What's more they don't do it for the do I know this? Because their cd's don't have a sale price, it is asked people make a kind donation because they believe its fair they get back what they give. You can see that they honestly do it because they ultimately want to make people happy, and spread positive energy. I believe it is these qualities that make them so very admirable and genuine. I could not help but write this post to share the love with everyone. Check them out at or their Facebook page it can't beat seeing their gigs live! 
(My personal favourites are 'Wallflower' and 'She told me once')



Friday, June 1, 2012


"Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it everybody seeks it...and those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, will never... never forget it."
- Curtis Judalet

I woke up today feeling nothing but grateful. I think the quote above describes it well. Sometimes we need to take a step back and look, think, feel, and immerse ourselves in the love that surrounds us. The love that is for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our soul mates. It's one thing to say you love someone, but it's something more when you feel it. The feeling when you know you have support from the ones you love no matter what. Because they don't judge you for the right or wrong decisions you make. They love you for who you are. They laugh at your stupidity, they hold you when you cry, they sit and listen to your thoughts, and they they admire your successes. They never put you down, they are never jealous, and they never intentionally hurt you. It is these very qualities that make them the loves of our lives. Something that we hold so preciously close to our hearts.

Love is all around us...