- Unknown.
Hush little darling so innocent and pure
For there is a world out there, you will one day have to endure.
We can only hold you close to our chests for so long
Until the day we let you go, despite it feeling right or wrong.
Hush little darling, a life of wonder is waiting for which you have not yet done
So spread your graceful wings and you will become at one
There are many mountains for you to climb
All in which you will succeed in rightful time.
Hush little darling, people may let you down
But never let them hurt you, scare you, or force you to drown.
Take each day as it comes and don't think ahead
What matters is the actions you take, and words that are said.
Hush little darling, don't ever punish yourself
For there is love all around you, always here for help
Don't ever feel lost or alone
For your precious heart will always find the home.
Hush little darling, your broken heart will cry a couple of times
But one day you will experience the kind of love that will last a lifetime
We pray that their soul will entwine with your own
And we hope their fondness of you, will forever be shown.
Hush little darling don't be afraid
For there are many reasons it is you we made
We have faith in you and your beloved soul
And it is your shining light that makes us feel whole.
Hush little darling you are destined for abundant things
You will aspire and achieve, oh the joy it will bring.
Hush little darling we love you so
Forever and always we will be here, to watch our little girl grow.